Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Tuesday Quick Write

Today's assignment was to take the main character of the story and to create a dialogue with him or her somehow. It could either be in the form of a letter, describing him/her to someone close to you or to have them answer a set of questions. 

I decided to take on this challenge by "interviewing" my main character. I asked my main character a few questions and had her answer in her voice. This exercise helped me develop her personality, her name, the name of her friends and to research cultural dynamics to help make my story more authentic. 

I would like to continue with this exercise at some point this week to further develop my character and my story. I'm also hoping that this dialogue will branch out to help develop the personalities of some of my other characters. 

Getting more excited about writing each day! I'm feeling more confident with each assignment. This quote really sums up my mood for today..



  1. Alexis, so glad you found the exercise helpful. Maybe your main character can speak with or write to some of the other characters, and you'll get clues to them both/all. Step by step, sounds like this is happening for you. Congratulations!

    1. Thank you so much. I really appreciate your feedback! I'm definitely taking your advice to have my main character speak with some of the other characters. As soon as I read it, I had an idea for how to make it work. Thanks again for your suggestion!

  2. I found this exercise so useful, too! At first I wasn't too sure that I would be able to develop my character with this exercise, but it did! Good luck with your writing!

    1. Thank you! Good luck to you as well! Thanks for your support!
